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The Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm is a sampling algorithm that generates samples from a target distribution \(\pi(\cdot)\). MH is most effective in the case where \(\pi(\cdot)\) is intractable. Let’s express \(\pi(\cdot)\) as the following fraction,

$$ \pi(\cdot) = \frac{f(\cdot)}{K} $$

where \(f(·)\) is some tractable density function and \(K\) is an intractable normalizing constant. MH enables us to sample from \(\pi(\cdot)\) without knowing anything about the intractable normalizing constant \(K\)!

The idea behind MH is to construct a Markov Chain whose stationary distribution is \(\pi(\cdot)\). How do we do this? From Markov Chain theory we know that if a Markov Chain is reversible, the detailed balance equation holds,

$$\pi(x)p(x,y) = \pi(y)p(y,x)$$

where \(\pi(\cdot)\) is the stationary distribution and \(p(x,y)\) is the transition kernel. Hence, if we can find a transition kernel \(p(x,y)\) which satisfies this reversibility condition, we can sample from the target distribution \(\pi(\cdot)\).

We start by defining some tractable proposal distribution \(q(x,y),\) which generates a proposal \(y\) given some current state \(x\) (this is something you pick). Since \(q(x,y)\) is a transition kernel, does it satisfy the reversibility condition? Let’s derive a general solution. Assume \(q(x,y)\) does not satisfy the reversibility condition (if it does, then we just have the Metropolis algorithm). We have the following,

$$\pi(x)q(x,y) > \pi(y)q(y,x) \hspace{1cm} (w.l.g)$$

An intuitive interpretation of what this equation is saying is basically we are moving from state \(x\) to state \(y\) more than we are vice versa; in short, detailed balance is not satisfied. To correct this, we introduce a probability \(\alpha(x,y)\) that the move is actually made,

$$\pi(x)q(x,y){\color{ocre}\alpha(x,y)} = \pi(y)q(y,x)$$

Rearranging we obtain,

$$\alpha(x,y) = \frac{\pi(y)q(y,x)}{\pi(x)q(x,y)}$$

Reiterating, we interpret \(\alpha(x,y)\) as the probability of moving from state \(x\) to state \(y.\) Since it is a probability, it cannot exceed 1 so the final definition is,

$$\alpha(x,y) = \min [\frac{\pi(y)q(y,x)}{\pi(x)q(x,y)}, 1]$$

Note that \(\alpha(x,y)\) is the transition kernel \(p(x,y)\) that we were after! It satisfies the detailed balance equation by definition; however, does it deal with the pesky intractable normalizing constant \(K?\) Yes! We have that,

$$ \begin{align*} \frac{\pi(y)q(y,x)}{\pi(x)q(x,y)} &= \frac{\frac{f(y)q(y,x)}{K}}{\frac{f(x)q(x,y)}{K}}\\ &= \frac{f(y)q(y,x)}{f(x)q(x,y)} \end{align*} $$

So we no longer have to worry about \(K\) (yay!). Ergo, we can simply use \(\alpha(x,y)\) as our transition kernel for our Markov Chain and rest assured that as long as we obtain enough samples, they will be distributed according to the stationary distribution; voila, we have samples from the intractable distribution \(\pi(\cdot)\)!