Posts by Category

Biblical commentary


1 minute read

A brief commentary of Philemon


2 minute read

A brief commentary of Titus


less than 1 minute read

A brief commentary of Jude


2 minute read

A brief commentary of Galatians


2 minute read

A brief commentary of Colossians

2 Timothy

1 minute read

A brief commentary of 2 Timothy

1 Timothy

3 minute read

A brief commentary of 1 Timothy

2 Peter

2 minute read

A brief commentary of 2 Peter

1 Peter

4 minute read

A brief commentary of 1 Peter

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ML concepts


2 minute read

Generate word vector representations

Rejection Sampling

1 minute read

Sample from a complex distribution using a proxy distribution

Naive Bayes

1 minute read

Bayesian supervised classification algorithm

Decision Trees

3 minute read

Interpretable regression or classification method

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